The Edmonton Classical Academy is a tuition-free, classical charter school. We are serving grades K-9 in the 2025/2026 academic year, and will expand each year until we offer a full K-12 program.

 The school offers an academically rigorous and traditional liberal arts education, equipping students with the virtues, knowledge, and habits befitting free citizens.

Our Difference

  • Knowledge-rich curriculum

  • Emphasis on character development

  • Centred on classic works of art, literature & philosophy

  • Teacher-led classrooms

  • Smartphone-free environment

  • Outdoor education programs

  • A culture of open inquiry and truth-seeking

What is a classical education?

A classical education aims to preserve, transmit, and build upon the wisdom of past generations — not to dismantle or repudiate it. Our approach relies on knowledge-rich curricula and teacher-led classrooms, and is centred on great and enduring works of art, literature, science and philosophy. Through the study of classical works from around the world, students nurture a sense of philosophical wonder. They learn to inhabit different perspectives, think deeply about life’s most fundamental questions, and develop intellectual, moral, and aesthetic discernment.

Although academically rigorous, a true liberal arts education is not limited to making students narrowly useful or equipping them for material success. Recalling Confucius, we hold that “an educated person is not a tool.” Children are not merely future workers; they are future friends, spouses, neighbours, parents, and citizens. They are bearers of souls, which thirst after knowledge of the true and the good. A classical education prepares students not only to live, but to live virtuously and with purpose.

“There is really only one liberal study that deserves the name — because it makes a person free — and that is the pursuit of wisdom.”

— Seneca

With Plato, we understand that the pursuit of truth is entwined with the practice of virtue. The highest aspiration of education is therefore to foster moral excellence. Our goal is to help students cultivate the mind and the heart, impart a love of wisdom and beauty, and form the habits of temperance and self-mastery that will enable them to live good, healthy, and purposeful lives.

Guiding principles

“This is that life above all others which man should live, in the contemplation of divine beauty; this makes man immortal.”

— Plato (Symposium)

Frequently Asked Questions