Drop Off:

We recommend that children are dropped off between 7:55 and 8:10. Weather permitting, students will play on the field prior to the opening bell at 8:15 AM. Bus students will disembark just next to the field and line up with their classes. If you are planning on parking, please use the southern part of the lot, as many spots to the north (closer to 78th Ave) are used for the drop-offs and bus lanes (see map below). Students will enter the building with their teachers.

All traffic must enter from 76th Ave to the south and exit on 78th Ave. Due to traffic patterns, it is recommended that drivers turn left when exiting onto 78th Ave. Also, please be conscious of the trains that travel nearby and how that may lead to some delays.


Students will board busses by 3:25 PM. Parents picking up their children will park along the west side of the main lot and children will be released to them. We ask that you have your child(ren)’s name(s) clearly displayed on your front dash so we can call for them. Please pick up your child no later than 3:35 PM.

All traffic must enter from 76th Ave to the south and exit on 78th Ave. Due to traffic patterns, it is recommended that drivers turn left when exiting onto 78th Ave. Also, please be conscious of the trains that travel nearby and how that may lead to some delays.

7:55 am - 8:15 am — Arrival /Student Drop-off 
11.45 am – Dismissal for Half-Day Kindergarten
3.15 pm — 3:35 pm — Student Pick-up 
3.25 pm – Bus Departures